Always select Sherlock for your Structural Swimming Pool Repairs
Pool water loss problems can be due to broken pipes, or leaky equipment but also structural cracks in walls or floor. If the leak is due to a structural crack in the wall or floor, Sherlock can make a permanent repair.
Warranties on major and minor repairs !
Certified by the state of Florida for structural swimming pool repairs:
Gunite structural repair
Vinyl liner repair
Fiberglass repair
Light repair
Replace Skimmers
Water feature repair
Swimming Pool Structural Cracks Repaired
While some companies may refer you to a plumbing company and subsequently to a concrete company or swimming pool manufacturer to finalize structural problems, Sherlock Leak Detection is your one-stop shop for any and all issues with swimming pool problems.
Avoid finger-pointing. Select Sherlock Leak Detection!
Structural repair may need to be done if there is a crack in the pool structure itself. Enough pool water will be removed to give us access to the crack. Steel staples will be embedded across the crack to prevent it from worsening, and then the repair site will be covered with the same color finish as your pool.