The Bucket Test.....Is Your Swimming Pool
Really Losing Water, or is it Evaporation..?
The Sherlock Leak Detection bucket test will allow you to determine if your pool is losing water from a pool leak or from evaporation.
If the Bucket Test shows that your pool is losing water, call Sherlock Leak Detection. We locate pool leaks quickly & accurately.
Try this simple test:
(Use this test, with the pool water level where it SHOULD be)
Place a 5-gallon bucket of water on the top step of the pool
Put enough water in the bucket to prevent it from floating away
Mark the level of the water inside the bucket and mark the pool water level on the outside of the bucket.
Allow the pool to operate normally for 24 hours and then check both water levels
Determine the Results
Ideally, both water levels will be where they were the day before.
If the water inside the bucket is lower, then evaporation occurred and the pool water level should be the same amount.
If the pool water level is less than the water level inside the bucket, your pool is leaking.
Time to Call Sherlock……
941-764-8181 Charlotte County
941-953-3530 Sarasota County
239-332-8900 Lee & Collier Counties
If your pool is losing water, call Sherlock Leak Detection. We locate pool leaks quickly and accurately.